2014년 4월 1일 화요일

Free diving (inform)

Have you ever heard about 'Free diving'?
Free diving is a sort of underwater diving without SCUBA which is mean self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. So free diving is no breathing apparatus. It relies on only diver's hold breath. So it's one kind of skin diving which is same with snorkeling. 
Then show you free diving's equipment.

First one is mask. Mask is protecting your eyes from the water. And it has little different with swimming goggles. Mask has nose skirt but swimming goggles doesn't have it. Skirt helps user to prevent compressed air under the water. So when compression happens, you can breath with nose, then air is applied. So compression is disappeared.

Second one is  fin.  Fin is for driving force under the water. So free diving in is longer than skin diving fin. Left one is free diving fin and right one is skin diving fin.

Third one is snorkel. Snorkel helps breath. When you breathe in the water, you have to raise you head to air. But you have snorkel, you can breathe near the surface of water.

Last one is suit. Under the water, you lose your body heat. Because water's specific heat is high. So you have to wear suit when you are diving.

With this equipment you can see under the water. But you know diving physics.
It's very important for your health. In diving lot of physics, but I suggest one of them
It's about Boyle's law. When you're diving under 40m, you have 5 atmospheric pressure air. So You stop breathe in the water, after that you have to stop to spit breath. Because you spit breath, you can have shallow water blackout. Shallow water blackout is oxygen deficiency. So you just breath out, your oxygen is decreased. Then blackout is occurred. 

It's good picture for information about shallow water blackout.

So when you're free diving, you have to know about this information. Safe diving is good diving and fun diving.
It's free diver's video. It's very amazing and wonderful.

댓글 10개:

  1. WOW it's fantastic I want to do this. I love to see underwater their beautiful scenery I think equipment is not that complex. I'm the member of I.M.S swimming club although I have not much time to go swimming these days but I love water very much

    1. I love water too. But I also have not much time to dive these days. You can swim well, then SCUBA is also very nice for you

  2. Thank you for wonderful information about free diving! In fact, I had been scared of diving, but now I can go to diving right now(lie)! With equipment, I am sure that free diving can be nice hobby!

    1. You can just practice a little, then diving is hobby for you. It's so easy to practice diving skills.

  3. I also want to enjoy free diving, so could you recommend to me how to I go there? and I've never tried diving before, is it okay?? it really sounds interesting!

    1. You can find resort of diving. And resort has instructor. So you can learn SCUBA diving.

  4. I envy you to have free time enjoying your hobby. Actually I don't have special hobby like sports. In this vacation, I will consider to make new hobby. If I have enough time, I will leearn SCUBA diving

  5. wow it's very fantastic!! i always want to do free diving but i have no information about it. But your post teach me a lot of thing of it to me!! Thank you!!

  6. It seems so cool diving video. I like swimming and scuba diving too. but I don't know so much about it and i don't know where scuba diving is available. I am thank you for your information about safey diving, and i am impressed by your video clip. Summer season, i will try it!

  7. Hello! My hobby is swimming and when I go to beach, I always want to try scuba diving, but I don't know about scuba diving at all and ii am afraid of it. But I got confident through your post.
